Hey! Do you want rapid growth within your organization and impact entire organization?

Do you want to take appraisal power control into your hands and create your own paycheque?

Awesome, then you’re again in the right space.

Before going ahead, Couple of things:

First: This playbook am sharing with you going to be bit longer, so have at least 30 minutes to an hour time to go through to really transform your life as this is a proven framework, and to work on this, take at least half a day, your life will not be same in next 6 months time.

Second: Hope you had gone through the “6 Essential Priorities” and “Trinity Of Your Asset” for leading through inflation in the last newsletter. This is a continuation. Make sure you go through those and start working on them.

These exercises aren’t just for leading through inflation, these will help you build an unshakable business.

The size of the building doesn’t matter, the strength matters.

If you don’t build anything small too wisely, the chances of falling are higher.

That’s why am sharing with you the structures of the new playbook that not only help you for leading through the inflation in these hard times, it also helps you to build an unshakable transformative business which should be your ultimate mission.

So, today what I am sharing is a kind of continuation to earlier newsletters so that you strengthen the structure of your organization as a whole leading individually inter-weaving the silos.

Your organization should be like a fist, when you tight-fist it and try to hit the market, chances of winning the competition will be much higher.

Instead tight-fisted, if you try to hit wtih lose fingers, not only do your fingers hurt, chances of breaking your hand structure will also be higher. So here your lose fingers are ‘silos’ in your organization.

Understand the context always.

With that being said, let’s continue how you can lead within the organization and also help your team lead and take control of the next appraisals into your power so that you can become the dictator.

In this newsletter, we will create your “Dream Resume

You would have heard of a resume, maybe not a “Dream Resume” This is completely different from your resume. 

Let’s write your “Dream Resume”:

✔ In this, you should include all the milestones of what you would have accomplished, learned, experienced throughout your career. 

✔ The networks you want to be part of, most importantly this dream resume is absolutely nothing to do with your title or any designation you have now. Titles are more distracting than navigating you to your north star.

Your North star is your guiding principal and determines your direction, your purpose.It should help you to answer the question ”What am I solving?

Setting this early on will serve as a constant reminder and help you to stay focused on “what you’re trying to achieve with every opportunity”.

You’ll find yourself asking ”will this get me closer to the North star?” 

✔ It is a resume of skills learned, risks taken and contributions made. 

Absolutely anyone regardless of their seniority or industry can take control of their trajectory by having clear answers to these questions. 

Whom do you want to become? 

Envision those who already doing what you want to do 20 years from now. 20 years seems too far right? 

Yeah, I understand, in the fastest growing world and where people’s attention span and patience are too low, 20 years seems too funny and too far. 

But remember one thing, to achieve something significant takes time. Don’t worry, leave that completely to me to achieve 20 years’ milestones in next 4 years, I will help you to achieve in 4 years’ time. 

But for now, imagine “whom do you want to become 20 years from now” and make a note of that envisioner

For example:

✔ First: I am helping small-medium to a very few large business C-suites. In the next 20 years, I want to do what my envisioner Dr. Ram Charan is doing now. 

I just shadow him. He is one of my avatar mentors. 

Second: I want to impact people by creating environments like the way Sadhguru does. He is my main envisioner aviator mentor. 

Third: I want to help entrepreneurs, but at the same time, I want to create fame the way Dr. Vivek Bindra is doing. He is my other avatar mentor. 

Fourth: In the world of digitization, where I am creating a digital ecosystem, I want someone who already created. That is amazon. I am learning from him and a few of his advisors and ex-team who closely worked, observed him growing even when opportunities are ceased or very minimal. 

Those are my Avatar Mentors and the combination of them, I want to be in the next 20 years. 

So, who are your avatar mentors? So that you can look them up and research “how they got there and allow yourself to reverse engineer their accomplishments into action proactively”. 

If you get this clarity, then you will know what action to take today proactively to reach one step closer to where you want to see yourself and where you like to be there.

 Let’s dig a little bit deep in it. 

Avatar Mentors:

Now, you have identified your avatar mentors, now you have to create environments around you, so that you start accomplishing your milestones.

For this you have to create a right network. 

Right Network:

You rise or fall in life due to your association.

And everything boils down to the right network too. 

There is a saying, “you are an average of your four friends” something like that. I never went deep into it, just understand the context of “you rise or fall due to your association

If you are in a very good association of friends, chances are “they lift you up”.

If you’re in a poor association, chances are you remain the same or even higher chances that you lose what you have too

That’s why I said, everything boils down to the network too. 

People outside your usual network are the ones that will challenge you and enrich your thinking asking you the right questions that you wouldn’t otherwise ask yourself.

 So, create a laundry list of how you can expand your network.

  • By attending different events,
  • Socializing,
  • Joining communities,
  • Taking up the project those bigger than your capabilities,
  • Connecting the right people on social media,
  • Joining them, or inviting them for a coffee morning or evening dinners (surely not for drinks, I mean cockails, as it will dilute the discussion) to the whole lot of things you can do.

 If your intentions are right and your approach is right, definitely you become unstoppable. 

You can live the ordinary life that you’re living right now. You don’t have to do anything.

If you’re right now in this moment, listening to me on this newsletter then it’s not at all a coincidence. It’s the universe wish for one of your wishes. God never send any messenger in a particular form, he send opportunities in different form and you need to be mindful to grab those.  

Either you try to live the kind of life you want to live or don’t regret in the last days of your life. If you try at least there won’t be any regrets. 

Research says that human beings tend to regret “action not taken so far than they regret on failures”.

So do or don’t regret. 

Life changes by taking decisions. Decisions change destiny.

 Remember not taking a decision is also a decision. Silence is always more dangerous than violence. 

If you apply this principle, what decision you had taken would have changed your life, “if you had applied earlier”. 

Think for a moment. It’s a short life, don’t regret it, just do what you love to do. 

I want you to pass reading this and take a notebook or a few A4 sheets and a pen/pencil. 

I trust you from the bottom of my heart that you will take notes from now and start working on your milestones to greatness. 

You can cheat me as I am not seeing. If you do what I am saying, “you’ll prosper”. If you don’t, absolutely no losses for me, I am just a stranger trying to help the needy.

So, don’t behave cheap on the way to your greatness. Take action

Let’s get into Discovery Mode:

  •  First: Write your name: 
  • Second: Skills you have learned so far:
  • Third: Contributions made so far: 
  • Fourth: Milestones achieved so far:
  •  Fifth: Avatar Mentors: 

Now we will reverse engineer your dream resume: 

  • Write down the laundry list of ways in which you might be able to get closer to your milestones.
  • Imagine someone who might be a couple of steps ahead of you and try to connect with them.
  • They will be able to give you tips on best practices to level up your skills, avoid mistakes, and may be they can introduce you to the contacts in their network. Isn’t that awesome.

Go ahead and write the laundry list of ways to get closer: 

 Now Disrupt Status Quo:

 ✔ You have to teach people around you and yourself, how to treat and think about you.This could be like threatening because you’re disrupting your status quo. 

✔ Don’t worry bravo, be brave. You’re going to step outside your comfort zone to reframe yourself, your abilities, and your growth path.You have to be very creative here.

Have you ever heard, of Creative Disruption? You’re going to disrupt creatively, which means your profits should never come at the loss of others. Remember that in your lifetime, Karma always adds up. 

✔ Now you will have a conversion with your seniors, If you’re a solopreneur, ask yourself? 

I call it “Promotion Plan Conversation” so that you can lead and take control of appraisals into your power to write your own paycheque. 

Here is the list of questions to have in your “Promotion Plan Conversation

  1. What are the abilities I need to develop between my current abilities and those needed at the next level of my role? 
  2. What do I need to learn and gain experience to be qualified for my future dream role? 
  3. What projects do I need to do and have the experience in, to gain that leadership experience? 
  4. What certification do I need to gain if those are needed? 
  5. How do I measure my growth to increase my capabilities for organizational growth?

Like that create a laundry list of questions, be prepared with as many questions and specific ideas of tasks and projects you would like to take on, which would give you new experiences and opportunities to grow on your team.

That would also relieve some burden from your manager.

when you relieve your senior with more burden, he or she will get a space to do what you’re doing now (i.e Promotion Plan Conversation) and he or she can do the same with his/her seniors and the list goes on to top levels which impact overall organization.

Whose the main person that started leading here, it is you. So, underestimate this. This playbook been used in a few worlds best organization.

If you’re in a junior role, never think that you can’t grow big in your organization and it makes take years like 20 to 30 years. Here, with this new framework, I have shown you the ladder.

✔ You don’t have to drive and focus on all the four wheels of your car when you’re driving right, you just need to take control of one wheel, steering, which is connected to all four wheels.

Similar way, you just take control of yourself and the immediate people around you and start creating impact, you will see miracles.

✔ Just keep your pen and book aside and sit straight and take 5 minutes to see your future, just meditate and feel “how will you be feeling once you accomplish your milestones“, meditate and digest.

✔ Now you senior may know what you’re learning about with this framework, I want you to share it with your senior once you finish the conversation. With that, you will have a ripple effect.

If you’re selfish, you can’t grow.

✔ When you’re senior moves to senior roles then only you can easily move to your senior roles right, With this organization’s growth happens and you can start filling more junior roles under you which is again a noble cause.

✔ Growth is simple, but not easy.

✔ If you take action, everything can be possible.

If you’re a complex personality, then complexity kills the rate of success.

Shifting gears back to your questionnaire: As bigger you list, it is easier to approve or pivot a concrete idea than approaching with a blank page.

This helps you create a win-win-win situation for yourself – your senior – to the entire organization, and will be easy to get approval for your “Promotion Plan Conversation” framework.

With that, we will create “An Action Plan To Design Your Future“.

A Roadmap To Your Desired Destination!

Designing Your Future:

When you’re designing your future and creating new roles or opportunities, you have to look into a few common qualities or characters.

Common qualities to look out for:

1. Re-Investment:

Now to level up your skills, you need to invest your time, energy and money:

What kind of training and education do you need to grab opportunities for growth, and what kind of opportunities are there? How I can grab, what is the investment it goes into, you need to narrow down on these by investing right time with high energy and you will get to know the cost to be paid to reach to your destination.

And at the same time, do the person whom you will approach, will have intention to help you or not.

To narrow down on all these you need to investment of time, energy and money.

2. Innovation:

Now the people who will guide your or coach your or mentor you: Do they reveal risk-taking behaviors. Are they highly engaged in growth?Are they hard-working people?

Are they Imple’mentors‘: You have to surround yourself with curious and smart people who are implementers of what they say to learn it all, not to know it all.

You have to dig deep and come up with innovative ideas so that you differentiate yourself.

You do not lack information now, you’re only lack of right systems and processes.

In this day and age, you need a guide who can guide you with the right systems, tools, methods, and systems so that you can leverage them.

If you’re are someone in a very small organization, you have been very creative with ideas and how your employer can support you in up levelling you. See ways to explore largely on the internet and you can join online communities nowadays and enhance skills as necessary.

So, be innovative.

Innovation doesn’t mean to create something new from scratch, you have to bring fresh value.

3. Make impossible Standard:

Let me share one example so that you can understand the context of it rather than the content:

It was almost close to 2 decades around, the thought of achieving one month’s sale in a weekend, had broken the sales myth in BigBazaar. Till the time it was just a myth.

Almost 6 – 7 km traffic jam in Kolkata EM Bypass, instore traffic was suffocating. The event ended unpleasant for customers and management, but myth had broken.

The same event targeted to achieve 1 crore sales in a day too achieved successfully studying the gaps in the last two events.

Later after 2 years, that impossible became standard.

It is only a miracle until you do it.

What might be your myth braking miracle?

Get Comfortable With Uncomfortable.

If you don’t step out of your comfort zone, it’s hard to achieve something significant, many times by chance many things can happen, if you don’t craft the mechanism, when you fail, you quit as you didn’t followed a set of processes and you may think it’s just luck or unlucky.

There is nothing called luck, it’s all the actions you take, results comes accordingly. It’s a law of universe.

This is what happens with many, they do great for a long period and when they broke, they give up and they will be back to their comfort zone. At that time, even the comfort zone won’t be comfortable.

Outside of your comfort zone is where you will find yourself growing which often comes from failures, mistakes, pivots, and learning.

To smartly move around your comfort zone, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. How do I spend my time?
  2. What exactly do I do each hour that’s taking me close to whom I want to be?
  3. How can I have the metrics to measure my focus at a particular time?
  4. How much time am distracting?
  5. How much of my time do I spend in my comfort zone in the entire day?

Trust me and start measuring your day, 80% of your time will be spent in your comfort zone which makes you satisfied.

That’s absolutely ok if you don’t have any regrets.

Now in the rest 20% time if you try to do things those challenging and not so perfect or at least try out new things which may give you more joy, that’s awesome. Now you can stretch it more.

You really don’t have to start the day that doesn’t interest you or with unmanageable levels of uncomfortable, start smart and start building up trying new things those get you closer to what you want to accomplish, The success in your words.

For example:

Imagine that you want to set a goal for the coming year to achieve something or might be learning something new that takes you close to your defined success.

Now you divide that goal week-wise, say like 52 weeks to learn and master to perfect a skill.

This helps you in building momentum and also helps you be persistent, and trust me it’s really a great way to demonstrate your skills to your senior or use them in your business to help yourself or clients or consumers, depending on the nature of your business.

Getting ready for any challenge doesn’t mean getting ready to be perfect, it just means that you’re ready to try.

So, what challenges are you setting yourself?


A roadmap is a tool that helps you to walk the distance from where you’re right now to the destination called, “your defined success or profit land”

  1. Take a piece of paper or notebook that you were writing, “create a laundry list of all the skills that you have right now and what’s your current reality and where you’re right now, i.e the phase of your life.
  2. Write where you want to see yourself in the next 1, 2, and 3 years to 20 years from now.
  3. Write the gaps between your current reality, i.e now, and your destination as described above, and what all the gaps you need to fill in to get to your destination?

Here take a third party opinion, In business advisory, we call it as “outsider advantage“, this helps you further narrow down.

Remember to approach a right person or else the world is filled with dream stealers.

If you need any help from me you can always reach me by sending a direct message in regards to this on LinkedIn with what you have created. 


There is nothing called luck as I said, it is your making of conscious action consistently crafting your success knowing the mechanics. 

✔ When you know the mechanics, you know where to fine-tune the process, you don’t have to perfect it. 

✔ With that, you can create moments of luck by putting hard work in, and knowing what you want for the future. 

✔ With this process, you will recognize the moments of opportunities, when they come by, you can grab them. 

✔ When you’re consciously making the efforts, you’re going to be in the right space and then in the right network which can help you to stand out in the network, or even you become the center stage creating your own space within for yourself. 

You’ll learn to recognize irreplaceable opportunities. 

You’ll definitely say thanks to the preparation. 

✔ If you are really, seriously, and sincerely willing to succeed in life then getting yourself a mentor is the best way to learn, surrounding yourself with the right people that you want to become like them, that’s why creating environments is a part of “Trinity of your asset” 

✔ You got to look for the right environments and create the right ones, those going to really help you and add to your mindset, skillset, and energy

✔ Build the team that is going to help you learn the skills you want to gain. 

✔ If you think that you can achieve with what you have right now, i.e the skillset or mindset or the team, then you would have achieved probably by now.

✔ Arrive at the point of seeking, I know is the greatest enemy of growth.

 If your parents had thought about “why I should invest my money in your education”, probably you wouldn’t be where you are right now. Understand the context here, you got to do some good investments to build your career. 

✔ Everyone on the top C-suites I see, invest in mentors and coaches, courses and communities, mindset and skillset to a whole lot of thing that matters them that take close the “whom they want to become”. 


 ✔ Set a definite goal:

  • First, you have to be crystal clear on what you want to achieve by hiring a mentor.
  • Create a laundry list of milestones and what skills you want to learn. 

✔ Set Expectation:

  • What to expect from your mentor and your mentor should have.
  • You can even include what experiences they should have too. 
  • Remember a mentor is completely different from a coach. 
  • Clarity leads to more power, the more clarity you have, the faster you reach the destination.

List down the needs: 

  • Go deeper and think: Do you need any introduction? 
  • Do you need industry knowledge if you want to jump to another industries? 
  • Do you need specific expertise? 

When you have clarity and an action plan, it is easier for someone to say yes to mentor you. 

You can look up for moonlight mentoring, i.e asking your envisioner to help you on weekends or weekly once whenever they can spend an hour. 

Remember right intention is most important and you should have strong integrity. 

You can’t simply waste someone’s time if you pay them too. 


✔ If you’re not sure where to start building a network, check your current network, if there is anyone who can push you in the right direction, could be your friend or his friend, or your senior or his seniors or some colleagues who can introduce you to the right person or whom you envisioned and who could help you. 

✔ You can check in LinkedIn connections which is always a big help and really a great place to start, and there are many communities where you could join that are relevant to your list of approaches or goals.

There are 7 billion people in the world. If there’s a 1 in a million chance something might happen, that’s 7000 people with a chance… So, why not you? 


✔ If you’re really serious then you have to be very sincere.

✔ You have to commit to finding the right fit and make sure you dedicate the time and effort to making the most of your mentorship. 

✔ Commitment and communication are the keys to success, with time passing by shortly, it should feel like a partnership where both of you are learning from each other and it’s transactional. 


✔ It’s easy to settle in life with low expectations, it’s ok with my humble opinion, but when you can do much bigger and achieve big in life, then why settle for low. When you can help many, what’s wrong in helping yourself first and then aiming to help the world and lead.

Here what I am sharing is what I have implemented in my life which changed my life and I am sharing with you to help you and you do the same.

By giving no one had became poor. 

 ✔ Set a status for yourself for being that one who gets things done, who takes the right risks, and who jumps into projects unwelcomed, with this you start growing.

✔ Challenge the status quo, not only for yourself, but for your colleagues around you, that you’re the one ahead who can level up the game.

✔ If you take a stand and start getting all the hard work done and inspiring your colleagues, you’re going to be memorable. 


You’re remembered for your behavior, not for your achievements.

Your behavior is the reflection of who you’re. 

So, with the entire above framework, you’re literally ready to have the right “Promotional Conversation Plan” and get ready with your “Dream Resume” to accomplish all the milestones for leading through the inflation, because your growth doesn’t hamper with the changing external context

It’s a set, planned and smartly executed, so your growth can’t escape.

You can win over the inflation game smartly living the kind of life you wanted to live with.

The core objective here is to become the better person than who you’re and lead the entire organization, industry, and impact many people’s lives around you. 


I know this is really a big newsletter, but its a part of your new playbook. Framework are the ones which saves any organization in execution excellence. Do not under estimate it. You just implement what I have shared, 101% your life and the organization you’re working or let that be your business, will not be same in next 6 months time.

So, play big this FY: 2022 – 2023.

If you need any help in crafting your dream resume and helping you to achieve your milestones being your coach and accountability partner, just send me a private message, I will help you the same am helping other coaches whose life has transformed over the last 3 years.

Thank you, be awesome and prosper. 

Please share with me the ways in which you have implemented these ideas and what you’ve established as your new habits and big goals and also share the entire framework once you filled, I can suggest if any changes needed and further execution game plan too. 

Please reach out to me on LinkedIn with a direct message!  

I’d love to share your experiences with our larger community and celebrate what you’ve learned and going to implement.

If you feel this helps you and any others, please share this article with your loved ones so that as a community we can help as many people as we can.

With Love For Your Wealth,

Harshzad K

Let’s BIE HUB.

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