It was on 15th August 2020,
The last day for my physical stores.
I had to shut down my fashion stores those built-in over the last 10 years due to pandemic like 100s of renowned brands shutting down their stores, and not exactly like some millions of small-medium businesses had shut down their businesses.
What made me take that tough decision?
*The power of investing in me* than just in the business.
One of my early mentors says this and I was exactly following it “Investing in you can be encashed any day. Investing just in business can crash any day”.
This is what exactly happened now which the entire world is witnessing.
Many shut down their businesses as they couldn’t build them.
I shut down stores looking into the next 5 years’ effect on the industry.
The one thing one should focus on here is “shut down the stores” not shutting down the business.
I have paused to rebuild it back again online better than the way I had built my online business in 2014.
Yeah, you again heard it right.
Then many ask “why did you shut down your online business as that was the boom 💥 and the trend was hitting the peak”
No. That’s not the actual fact behind the scenes.
The fact is “The online business was actually started declining from 2015 if one actually looks into the “cash per share” which is the right measure of success in business.
The core and core objectives of any business.
Amazon and Apple are super strong in that way.
Even “Most businesses those started going online now due to pandemic are also struggling to keep up the legacy and the new startups are growing like anything”.
The reason is “born digital companies know the strategy well and the secrets of building digital-business”
Shifting gears back:
How did I take that tough decision which could lead to zero income from thereon?
“The power of investing in me than on business first”
Yeah, you heard it right.
I always walk the talk.
Whenever I got an opportunity to invest in me learning hiring right coaches, I never had money, not even near to insufficient.
But I did somehow by “begging and borrowing” through every possible credit line I was creating.
This is with a belief “if there is a will of not living suffocated life, there will be definitely a way opens up for anyone in the universe”
This is how the world’s best businesses are built.
Look back into the history connecting dots now, “Every entrepreneur who built a world-class brand had not money”
Today we can see them as a live example, inspiration, influence, to get motivation, and so on.
If they failed to arrange money to build businesses by right mentors and coaches,
If I had failed to arrange money to build my business by investing in me and in my mentors and coaches,
Probably they wouldn’t be where they are right now and
Very probably “I would be dependant on someone”
But I am “Independent”
I am very proud that “I am “Independent” today.
That’s the power of investing in you.
So take a leap of faith and start this journey.
Trust me you will be “financially Independent if you play the right game in the business for just 3 years”
I hope this piece of knowledge can help you and if you found this inspiring and influencing to take action then do send it to your loved one so that as a community we can help as many entrepreneurs as we can.
Thank you 🙏
For your independence and wealth
Harshzad here wishing you all “All A Very Happy Independence Day”
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