5 Steps to Stay Focused In a Distracted World – Entrepreneur by Harshzad

Do you want to increase your focus and grow faster than you think?

Awesome, If you increase your focus and grow faster, you can create a faster impact, increase income, and create financial freedom.

If you say yes to increase your focus and grow faster than you think, then this “Grow Tool” can help lead through inflation much faster.

You might be seeing that prices of everything are roaring by the day. In this fastest inflationary period if you don’t stay focused then you will have to pay a super high cost for every opportunity you will lose.

I just created this so that I can help 100,000 people create a wealthy life much faster to live a holistic and meaningful life as this inflation is going to settle for next 5 years definitely as per the research.

So, don’t you want to take advantage of every single minute that you spend so that you cut through the time and win every area which saves you a fortune in many areas? It’s absolutely a holistic approach.

One of my mentors Robin Sharma says, “Addiction to distractions would be the death of your creative production”.

This has completely changed my life because distractions outplay every idea that you can possibly produce.

This one-liner if you understand the context of it, connect to it deeply to implement in your life with discipline, your life will not be the same in next a few month’s time.

You’ll be seeding your growth in the practicing period and as you master it, you will see miracles in outcomes.

As you’re aware that “nowadays majority of the people are more bound to distractions” which most of the time leads to depression too.

If you can master to control it, the Return on Time Spent (ROTS) i.e your FOCUS can be increased multiple times.

Wherever your focus goes, that area expands.

That’s why it’s part of the “Trinity of Your Asset“. Infinite times it’s most powerful than any asset.

With that being said, How can you do it?

On the surface level, you would have understood by now and might think, “that’s yet I KNOW’, I will try.

Here is where 99.99% of people go wrong, end up distracted, depressed, and frustrated as it’s a trial and error period.

So, for you to stay on the game and achieve your milestones much faster in life, you need a new playbook to implement it effectively and efficiently because by now you would be ready with your self-growth framework which I had shared in the last newsletter.

If you haven’t gone through and haven’t yet worked upon it then here is the link: “Self-growth Roadmap” Check that first before you go with this.

Well, Here we go, you need:

✔ A plan that works

✔ Processes

✔ System

✔ Tools and

✔ Methodology

Let’s go a little deep into each one.


Here we are not talking about just a plan, we’re talking about a plan that works so that you can walk the distance from current reality to your desired profit land that you described in the Self-growth framework.

For this, you need to create a laundry list of things those distracting right now:

  • Your current reality in life,
  • The outcome you want,
  • Whom do you want to be in the very near future?
  • Where do you want to be in the next 3 years down the line?
  • What are the gaps you see?

Include all your financial, health, family, relationship, growth to what it means to you in terms of a holistic approach to success.

It shouldn’t be like, you worked hard for 3 years, you achieved financial outcomes, but your health and relationship lost. Your entire journey becomes a waste because money’s need is limited in life, beyond a certain point it doesn’t serve, rather it backfire.

In happiness, we don’t understand its impact, but when we realize it, we would have come much long.

Money is really a great protective element in life, as much as we have, we feel that much secure and sometimes insecure too.

It’s a very important need to earn money and a lot more, but not at the cost of losing something that the earned money pays the bill of not having a holistic approach.

That’s why I called it, a plan that works.

Hope you got the context of it.


Anything you do in life, have processes and craft the mechanism of how you’re doing so that when you failyou’ll know the very mechanism of where went wrong and where you can easily fine-tune that and keep documenting.

  • When you document and look into the processes, you can also see which all you need to do and which all you can delegate so that you can focus on the things that it matters to you most.
  • With this, you save time and energy, ofcourse sometimes money too as you’ll know the power of yourself and your value.
  • When you create processes, you can automate those.
  • You can do automation in only two ways, one with people and the second one with systems.

In most cases, people fail, but systems hardly fail unless implemented again by people.

One of my mentors Vick Strizhuis always says this:

Systems work, people fail.


Systems create freedom.

When you systematize, you build consistency, consistency helps you build momentum, and with momentum and systems speed of implementation increases.

That’s why, Momentum, Speed, Consistency, and Communication are the game-changers.

There are various ways to build systems with technology that can be tailored as per the need.

So, build systems.



Tools help you solve critical problems. In each area of life, we required different tools to put into practice and master.

To master your energies, yoga is a tool and within yoga, there are many disciplines that you can deeply go into and master.

Let me give you simple context. You want to hang a photo frame on the wall.

What do you need: A hammer and Nails.

If the wall is too hard, then you need a drilling machine which is an advanced tool. These fall under the hardware category isn’t it.

Now you got the tools, now you are hitting on the wall too hard, tried dozens of times, the nail isn’t going into the wall, many nails got bent and you throw those away.

Now, what is the use of the tools?

You also know how to use those right, the way you know is, take the nail, place it on the wall, and hit it. It’s not working.

Now, if you shift it an inch or so left or right or little up or down and if you try, it goes into the wall in less effort. This is called shifting the positioning. The turnaround time to finish the job was just a few seconds, but you wasted a hell out of time hitting on the same place. This mistake happens in every area of life.

Here tools are just playing the role that we are directing and acting, but how you’re using the tools makes a huge difference.

So, tools are important, but you should also know the application of it or else whole the life you will be doing the same things and get frustrated as results aren’t seen.



This is mission-critical in anything.

I will give you the context which you can connect because many things you know in life but you don’t put it into an order and systemEverything has a method to do it.

Now if I give you all the ingredients and ask you to cook, will you be able to cook tasty food, probably you will not, you need a recipea proper method to do it step by step.

So similarly here too, you need to create a methodology to make things happen in order so that there will be the meaning of investing time, energy, and money.

For example: In my business, I use 6D Methodology to coach people to get the desired outcome within a short period of time.

Not only in coaching, but I also use the same signature methodology even in consulting business to build any client’s business too. I had worked for decades and decoded it with experience and the hard way.

If I want to build a client’s brand or business whatever.

First I go into the Discovery process, then Disruption, then Designing the processes to solution to brand to marketing to all, then Discipline, then Distribute to market place, and finally Devotion to devote to the brand to the employees to customers to overall ecosystem.

That creates miracles.

That’s my 6D Methodology, I follow the same process. If you want you can follow the same.

So, above I shared the context, now you can relate to your life and business or career and can dig deep into those areas to achieve your milestones much faster without distractions as you have created an entire success environment above.

Even after having those all in place, almost 99% above fail as they lack accountability. So have an accountability partner who can help you walk the distance.

Ok, I hope I added value to your time spent giving you the framework to work on and implement to see transformative results.

Every framework am sharing is proven and used. These create wonders.

If you need any help, do send me a private message and I can take every power to help you reach your milestones in just one-fourth time, helping you 100X your productivity and quadruple your business so that you can create financial freedom, independence, and security to your family creating a wealthy and holistic life

All the best and thank you, glad to connect with you here.

If this is inspiring then please share it with your loved ones so that as a community we can help as many people as we can, it doesn’t cost you anything more than a click to share.

For your wealth,

Harshzad K


#focus #distraction #personaldevelopment #inflationstrategies #inflation #recession

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